Who are the HAF Alliance?
We are a collaboration of national and local charities and not-for-profit organisations with direct, on-the-ground experience of what works in providing Holiday Activities with Food at scale, within local authority areas.
Our track record
All partners within the HAF Alliance have been involved in the Department for Education Holiday Activities with Food pilots during 2019 and 2020. We have learned the hard lessons and have knowledge and expertise to share that will provide you with shortcuts to successful delivery.
Our collective ambition
The poorest children, young people and families have healthy, active, enriching school holidays where they:
- Have safe, non-stigmatising places to go for positive activity
- Have a healthy meal and can find out about healthy cooking on a budgeCan be active every day
- Spend time with their friends
- Develop new skills and confidence
- Are ready to return to school, college or to move on to work